R.W. Hutchinson and J. Boardman The Khaniale Tekke Tombs. Reprinted from the Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. Published by British School of Archaeology at Athens. 1954.
Forbes Lindsay Hawaiian Problems of Today: How May Hawaii be Americanized? An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1909.
Penny Magazine David Teniers (painter); Koords (inhab a mountainous country); The Burning of The Royal George at Sea, and Sufferings of The Survivors Among The Crew; Cornish Fishermen; Haddon Hall, Derbyshire, etc. Issue No. 145, July 5th, 1834. A complete original weekly issue of the Penny Magazine, 1834.
Jean Pierre Paulin Martin The French Clergy and The Present Republic. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1880.
Crispin Jackson Sir Alec Guinness. Books by and about The Great Actor. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1999.
 in books:
 1st edition:
 Cover: Hardcover
 Dustjacket: Yes